When creating an RDS instance using CDK, I generate the credentials using aws_secretsmanager.Secret, like this:
const credentials = new aws_secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'RdsCredents', {
generateSecretString: {
secretStringTemplate: JSON.stringify({ username: 'admin' }),
generateStringKey: 'password',
excludeCharacters: '"@/\\',
I then pass the credentials to the RDS instance:
this.rds = new aws_rds.DatabaseInstance(this, "RDS", {
engine: aws_rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.mysql({
version: aws_rds.MysqlEngineVersion.VER_8_0_31
instanceType: aws_ec2.InstanceType.of(aws_ec2.InstanceClass.T2, aws_ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
vpc: this.vpc,
vpcSubnets: {
subnetType: aws_ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED
multiAz: false,
allocatedStorage: 10,
storageType: aws_rds.StorageType.GP2,
databaseName: "laravel",
credentials: { //here they are!
username: 'admin',
password: credentials.secretValueFromJson('password')
What I now need to do is get the secret during the CI/CD Pipeline, and put it into a .env file.
I’ve created a script to do this for me (touch database_credentials.sh && chmod +x database_credentials.sh
# Get your RDS secrets from AWS Secrets Manager
RDS_CREDENTS=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_NAME)
echo "SecretString Password:"
echo $(echo $RDS_CREDENTS | jq '.SecretString | fromjson | .password')
echo "SecretString Username:"
echo $(echo $RDS_CREDENTS | jq '.SecretString | fromjson | .username')
I then run this script in the pipeline:
- name: Get database credentials
run: |
./database_credentials.sh ${{ secrets.SECRET_NAME }}
We can then run a pre-deployment script like this:
deploymentStage.addPre(new ShellStep('BuildAssets', {
installCommands: ['npm i -g npm@latest'],
env: {
'rds_secret': 'YourDBSecretNameOrArn',
'environment_secret': 'YourENVSecretNameOrArn'
commands: [
'./db_credentials.sh $rds_secret',
'./environment_variables.sh $environment_secrets',
'composer install',
'npm ci',
'npm run build',
We now have a .env file full of juicy secrets, ready to be consumed by our application