I was guilty of creating resources using AWS SAM and then, once in production, forgetting about them and moving onto the next feature.
This was a problem - I had no idea how well my resources are performing, if they could be performing better, or if they are even being used at all.
The following is an example of how to create a dashboard for functions within a SAM application using a CustomResource and a configuration YAML file.
There are costs to a dashboard - but the $5 a month you spend here is better than over spending on resources which are not being used, or are over provisioned.
Dashbaord Sections
In my world, each new feature is based on an ADR, or a (bug/story) ticket, or a github issue. What I wanted is a way of creating a dashboard and dividing the dashboard by each piece of work.
This is the sort of YAML file I wanted to use to help create the dashboard:
- name: app-overview
title: User Birthday Microserive
description: A Microservice which gets a users birthday
github: https://github.com/speakcloud/ms-users-birthday
- title: Store
description: Stores a users birthday into a DynamoDB table
document_type: ADR
document_link: https://github.com/speakclouder/ms-users-birtday/blob/mainline/docs/adr/002-store.md
- name: ms-birthday-store
- name: ms-birthday-delete
- name: ms-birthday-check
I would update the YAML file with each new feature by adding a new “section”. At the moment, I just wanted to do functins, but it could be extended to include API Gateway endpoints, S3 buckets, SQS etc.
The following is the code for the CustomResource:
from monitoring_service import MonitoringService
from pathlib import Path
import os
import yaml
import logging
import traceback
import boto3
import cfnresponse
def handle(event, context):
location = event['ResourceProperties']['Location']
app_name = event['ResourceProperties']['AppName']
env = event['ResourceProperties']['AppEnv']
config = get_dashboard_config(location)
monitoring = MonitoringService(config, env, app_name)
if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
response = monitoring.delete_cloudwatch_dashboards()
return cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, response)
responses = monitoring.create_cloudwatch_dashboards()
return cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responses)
except Exception as exception:
response_data = {}
response_data['status'] = 'failure'
response_data['errorMessage'] = str(exception)
return cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.FAILED, response_data)
def get_dashboard_config(location: str or None) -> dict:
dashboard_config_file = Path('./monitoring/dashboard.yaml')
if location:
dashboard_config_file = Path(location)
dashboard_config = load_dashboard_config_yaml(dashboard_config_file)
return dashboard_config
def load_dashboard_config_yaml(dashboard_config_file: str) -> dict:
with open(dashboard_config_file, 'r') as stream:
dashboard_config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
return dashboard_config
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import json
import copy
import boto3
class MonitoringService:
def __init__(self, config: dict, env: str, app_name: str):
self.config = config
self.env = env
self.app_name = app_name
self.header, self.section, self.function = self.get_raw_config_files()
def create_cloudwatch_dashboards(self):
client = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
dashboard_response = []
for dashboard, widgets in self.generate_dashboard_json().items():
dashboard_name = f'{self.app_name}-{dashboard}-{self.env}'
response = client.put_dashboard(DashboardName=dashboard_name, DashboardBody=json.dumps(widgets[0]))
return dashboard_response
def generate_dashboard_json(self) -> dict:
dashboards = {}
for dashboard in self.config['dashboards']:
dashboards[dashboard['name']] = []
dashboard_json = self.dashboard_header(dashboard)
for section in dashboard['sections']:
for function in section['functions']:
function_metrics = self.dashboard_functions(function)
# Here is where I would add API Gateway metrics, S3 metrics, SQS metrics etc.
for metric in function_metrics:
return dashboards
def get_raw_config_files(self):
with open(Path('./monitoring/metrics_dashboard.json'), 'r') as dashboard_header:
raw_header = json.loads(dashboard_header.read())
with open(Path('./monitoring/metrics_section.json'), 'r') as dashboard_section:
raw_section = json.loads(dashboard_section.read())
with open(Path('./monitoring/metrics_function.json'), 'r') as dashboard_function:
raw_function = json.loads(dashboard_function.read())
return raw_header, raw_section, raw_function
def dashboard_header(self, dashboard: dict):
raw_dashboard = copy.deepcopy(self.header)
title = raw_dashboard['widgets'][0]['properties']['markdown']
title = title.replace('TITLE', dashboard['title'])
title = title.replace('NAME', dashboard['name'])
title = title.replace('ENVIRONMENT', self.env)
title = title.replace('DESCRIPTION', dashboard['description'])
title = title.replace('GITHUB', dashboard['github'])
raw_dashboard['widgets'][0]['properties']['markdown'] = title
return raw_dashboard
def dashboard_sections(self, section: dict):
raw_section = copy.deepcopy(self.section)
section_markdown = raw_section['properties']['markdown']
section_markdown = section_markdown.replace('TITLE', section['title'])
section_markdown = section_markdown.replace('DESCRIPTION', section['description'])
section_markdown = section_markdown.replace('ADR', section['ADR'])
raw_section['properties']['markdown'] = section_markdown
return raw_section
def dashboard_functions(self, function: dict) -> list:
function_copy = json.dumps(copy.deepcopy(self.function))
function_copy = function_copy.replace('NAME', function['name'])
function_copy = function_copy.replace('ENVIRONMENT', self.env)
function_copy = json.loads(function_copy)
return function_copy
def delete_cloudwatch_dashboards(self):
client = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
dashboards = []
for dashboard in self.generate_dashboard_json():
dashboard_name = f'{self.app_name}-{dashboard}-{self.env}'
return client.delete_dashboards(DashboardNames=dashboards)
And my metric json files would look like this:
"widgets": [
"height": 2,
"properties": {
"background": "solid",
"type": "text",
"width": 24
"height": 3,
"properties": {
"type": "text",
"width": 24
"height": 6,
"properties": {
"metrics": [
"period": 300,
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"stat": "Average",
"title": "NAME duration",
"view": "timeSeries"
"type": "metric",
"width": 8
"height": 6,
"properties": {
"metrics": [
"color": "#69ae34"
"period": 300,
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"stat": "Sum",
"title": "NAME invocations",
"view": "timeSeries"
"type": "metric",
"width": 8
"height": 6,
"properties": {
"metrics": [
"color": "#fe6e73",
"visible": false
"period": 300,
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"stat": "Sum",
"title": "NAME errors",
"view": "timeSeries"
"type": "metric",
"width": 8
"height": 3,
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/lambda/NAME-ENVIRONMENT' | filter @type = \"REPORT\"\n| stats max(@memorySize / 1024 / 1024) as provisonedMemMB,\nmin(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as smallestMemReqMB,\navg(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as avgMemUsedMB,\nmax(@maxMemoryUsed / 1024 / 1024) as maxMemUsedMB,\nprovisonedMemMB - maxMemUsedMB as overProvisionedMB",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"title": "NAME over provisioned memory",
"view": "table"
"type": "log"
"height": 3,
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/lambda/NAME-ENVIRONMENT' | fields Timestamp, Message\n| filter Message like /ERROR/\n| sort @timestamp desc\n| limit 5",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"title": "NAME last 5 errors",
"view": "table"
"type": "log"
"height": 3,
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/lambda/NAME-ENVIRONMENT' | filter @type = \"REPORT\"\n| fields @requestId, (@billedDuration/1000) as seconds\n| sort by @billedDuration desc\n| limit 5",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"title": "NAME top 5 longest running",
"view": "table"
"type": "log"
"height": 3,
"properties": {
"query": "SOURCE '/aws/lambda/NAME-ENVIRONMENT' | filter @message like /Task timed out/\n| stats count() by bin(30m)",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stacked": false,
"title": "NAME timeouts",
"view": "table"
"type": "log"
I’d then include the fuction in my SAM template like this:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: handler_monitoring.handle
CodeUri: ./functions/MonitoringFunction
Description: Monitoring Stack Resources
FunctionName: !Sub "${AppName}-monitoring-${AppEnv}"
Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn
Type: AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource
Version: "1.0"
ServiceToken: !GetAtt MonitoringFunction.Arn
Region: !Ref AWS::Region
Location: "./monitoring/dashboard.yaml"
AppName: !Ref AppName
AppEnv: !Ref AppEnv
The handler would run on stack update, updating to the latest config file.
I need a ton more widgets for different resources - API Gateway endpoints, stores, queues, etc. - but this is a good start. Checkout the monitoring
package for CDK that does this all for you.
I am likely going to make this all into a package you can pull down.
By the way, heres some tests:
from mock import patch
from pathlib import Path
from handler_monitoring import handle
from handler_monitoring import get_dashboard_config
from handler_monitoring import load_dashboard_config_yaml
def test_loads_dashboard_yaml():
dashboard_config_file = Path('./tests/_fixtures/dashboard.yaml')
dashboard_config = get_dashboard_config(dashboard_config_file)
assert dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['title'] == 'MS Event Conductor'
assert dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['description'] == 'MS Event Conductor Resource Dashboard'
assert len(dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['sections']) == 1
assert dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['title'] == 'Store'
assert dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['description'] == 'Dumps all events into Stratus Aggregate'
assert len(dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['functions']) == 1
assert dashboard_config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['functions'][0]['name'] == 'birthday-micro-service-store'
from mock import patch
import json
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
from monitoring_service import MonitoringService
from moto import mock_cloudwatch
env = 'local'
app_name = 'birthday-micro-service'
with open('./tests/_fixtures/dashboard.yaml', 'r') as stream:
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
with open('./tests/_fixtures/dashboard_bigger.yaml', 'r') as stream:
bigger_config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
def test_service_loads_config():
monitoring_service = MonitoringService(config, env, app_name)
assert monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['title'] == 'MS Event Conductor'
assert monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['description'] == 'MS Event Conductor Resource Dashboard'
assert len(monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['sections']) == 1
assert monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['title'] == 'Store'
assert monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['description'] == 'Dumps all events into Stratus Aggregate'
assert len(monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['functions']) == 1
assert monitoring_service.config['dashboards'][0]['sections'][0]['functions'][0]['name'] == 'birthday-micro-service-store'
def test_service_loads_raw_config_files():
monitoring_service = MonitoringService(config, env, app_name)
assert 'TITLE' in monitoring_service.header['widgets'][0]['properties']['markdown']
assert 'DOCUMENTATION_NAME' in monitoring_service.section['properties']['markdown']
assert 'AWS/Lambda' in monitoring_service.function[0]['properties']['metrics'][0]
def test_generates_dashboard():
monitoring_service = MonitoringService(config, env, app_name)
dash = monitoring_service.generate_dashboard_json()
assert len(dash['birthday-micro-service'][0]['widgets']) == 9
def test_handlers_multple_sections():
monitoring_service = MonitoringService(bigger_config, env, app_name)
dashboard = monitoring_service.generate_dashboard_json()
assert len(dashboard['birthday-micro-service'][0]['widgets']) == 24
def test_creates_dashboard():
responses = MonitoringService(bigger_config, env, app_name).create_cloudwatch_dashboards()
assert responses[0]['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200
def test_deletes_dashboard():
responses = MonitoringService(bigger_config, env, app_name).create_cloudwatch_dashboards()
assert responses[0]['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200
response = MonitoringService(bigger_config, env, app_name).delete_cloudwatch_dashboards()
assert response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200